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2024 Schwarzkopf Professional Shaping Futures

More than 120 years ago, 德国化学家和药剂师汉斯·施瓦茨科普夫(Hans Schwarzkopf)奠定了一个品牌的基础,从那时起,这个品牌一直处于创新的前沿. 结合优质的成分和最新的护发技术, reliability, expertise, 和工艺是施瓦茨科普夫专业所做和所代表的一切的基石.


Shaping Futures’ mission is to empower. Born from a project in 2008, “塑造未来”已发展成为一项全球倡议,在33个国家开展, helping teach new skill sets for participants, to be able learn a craft and support themselves. We are excited to be able to offer Shaping Futures to our future hairstylists in USA; scholarships to assist with schooling, along with support and mentorship, including continued educational seminars and trainings. 富有创造力,富有同情心,令人兴奋,充满力量,这就是施瓦茨科普夫的专业方式.

Check back for our next scholarship opportunity!

Joseph L Weir Memorial Scholarship

Application deadline is March 31, 2025

Five scholarships valued at $500 will be awarded.


五(5)名奖学金获得者将被选中并通过电子邮件通知. 所有奖学金由约瑟夫·威尔信托基金资助,并由nba竞猜官网慈善机构管理. 申请将由nba竞猜官网主席委任的委员会审核. All scholarship awards are final. Scholarship funds awarded must be used in 2025.

nba竞猜官网通过教育奖学金表彰终身会员. 这些奖学金体现了对协会的承诺精神, 通过促进个人会员的进步和教育,终身会员证明了这一点.

nba竞猜官网终身会员奖学金是由于约瑟夫L. Weir Trust.

See Terms & Conditions

K18 Hair Freedom for All Fund 2024

Deadline: October 31, 2024
Winning applicants will be notified by December 15, 2024

At K18, we’re on a mission to rewrite the rules on haircare. When talking about who our product is for, we lead with the statement ALL HAIR TYPES, ALL GENERATIONS, ALL TYPES OF EXPRESSION. 这是因为我们知道头发(和人)在分子水平上都是一样的,都值得庆祝. 这就是为什么我们想要用各种发型创新者的声音来建立我们的战斗口号.

总共十二(12)- 2名学生($5,000)和10名有执照的造型师($1,000)

所有申请人都必须完整填写申请表格,才能获得奖学金. Eligibility requirements are as follows:

• Be at least 18 years of age
• Submit an essay (topic below – up to 300 words)
• Must complete the application in its entirety

See Terms & Conditions.

Image of my salon suite
MY SALON Suite Student Scholarship

Application deadline is August 15, 2024

Ten (10) $1,000 scholarships will be awarded in 2024. 该项目支持那些追求美容事业的学生, barbering, esthetics, 申请学校时提供学费补助,指甲和按摩.

我们相信回馈MY SALON套房的美好,回馈我们行业的未来对我们公司具有更大的意义.

申请人必须填写完整的申请表,才能获得奖学金. Eligibility requirements are as follows. Student applicant must:

•目前正在注册或打算注册美容专业, barber, esthetics, 在美国从事美甲技术或按摩治疗项目,并获得许可证(如适用). 继续教育课程或拥有现有行业职业执照的学生不符合资格.
• Complete the application below in full.

See Terms & Conditions

Rosy Logo
Rosy Salon Software Scholarship

Application deadline is October 1, 2024

四(4)250美元的奖学金将颁发给目前注册美容专业的学生, 在美国或加拿大的理发师或美容课程,结果是美容, barber or esthetics license.

To show their dedication to diversity, inclusivity, and bettering the lives of others, 玫瑰色沙龙软件公司将至少一半的奖学金授予少数族裔学生.

四(4)名奖学金获得者将被选中并通过电子邮件通知. 奖学金必须在一年内使用. 所有奖学金均由nba篮球下注在线入口基金会管理的玫瑰色沙龙软件资助. 申请将由nba竞猜官网主席委任的委员会审核. All scholarship awards are final

See Terms & Conditions


Application deadline is November 15, 2024
Winning applicants will be notified by January 1, 2025

十(10)- 500美元奖学金将颁发给在校学生(5)和在职持牌专业人员(5). Winners will be chosen and notified by email. 奖学金必须在颁发后六个月内使用.

To be eligible to apply, applicants must be:

所有奖学金由Milady资助,并由nba篮球下注在线入口基金会管理. 申请将由nba竞猜官网主席委任的委员会审核. All scholarship awards are final.

See Terms & Conditions

Sponsor A Scholarship

赞助奖学金是展示你的品牌对教育机会的支持和承诺的好方法. This unique marketing opportunity is also tax deductible. 请联系Rachel Molepske,了解如何赞助奖学金 rachel@vijethaschool.com or 480.455.3453.

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